Moller's Garden Center


The Online Flower Shop is Open!

Visit our on-line store to shop our unique floral creations. Need to send a gift locally or out of town? You can do both on our new online store.

Valentine’s Day is Sunday, February 14.

Browse the web-site for current gardening tips, specials and coupons. Our web-site will grow along with us and we are off to a great start.

February is the month to fertilize everything in your garden.

Use the Dr Earth Fertilizer specifically formulated for your roses, flowers, citrus and other fruit trees. Don’t forget the acid loving plants such gardenias and azaleas. It is also a good idea to fertilize your palms and hibiscus with palm fertilizer.

Time to work on the lawn as well.

Most of our cold weather I gone, it is a great idea to start monthly fertilizing again. Now is the time to prevent crabgrass and other weeds from taking over your garden. Discuss the best plan of attack Moller’s sales associates.

It is rose season; we have over 150 varieties to choose from.

The rose sale continues at Moller’s for our on line customers. Simply mention the Web discount and receive 20% off your rose selections when you visit the Nursery. The on line sale continues through the month of February. Don’t forget to pick up spray to prevent powdery mildew when you come in.

Winter is over, at least for plant material.

It is a great time to get back to the re-landscape project you have been meaning to begin. You can also plant spring herbs and vegetables. Does anything taste better than a home grown tomato? Don’t forget to mulch, mulch, mulch!

How often are you watering your garden?

Most people water too much! Your garden can easily survive on twice weekly watering through the winter months. The key is to water deeply, down to the roots. Then allow the garden to dry out thoroughly before watering again. This schedule will allow for a healthy root system; providing better blossoms, better fruit and a better looking garden!

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