The Citrus Alternative: the Desert Offers Many Options
Moller’s May Sale is coming!!
Join us at Moller’s Garden Center on Sunday May 1st for the start of our annual May Sale. Gift and garden accessories available at 40% off. The sale lasts for the entire month but come early for the really good stuff!! Sale begins at 8 am. Choose carefully, all sales are final.
The citrus alternative: the desert offers many options for growing fruit.
You know citrus trees do well but did you know you may also grow peaches, apples, plums, grapes, even figs here in the desert? Tropic Snow peach is absolutely delicious with a sweet, delicate flavor. Anna apples are a refreshingly tart start to summer. These trees and shrubs offer beautiful blossoms in the spring; the fruits ripen in the early summer. Visit Moller’s for a full list of options.
Pests are a fact of gardening and pests include a whole lot more than flying bugs!
At Moller’s you will find products to fend off larger pests such as geese, snakes, rabbits, and feral cats. Spring brings aphids; don’t fret! Bayer Rose and Flower spray will deter aphids without doing damage to your plants. Aphids are fickle, they can appear overnight and disappear the next day all on their own.
Powdery mildew on roses
Powdery mildew on roses, (the dusty mess that appears on the leaves) remains a challenge with our continued cool, spring nights. Continue with the monthly application of Rose RX 3in1. Don’t forget the DR EARTH specialized organic fertilizer for almost everything in your garden. Use SPIKES for the palm trees. Stay the course with every other day watering.
Not your mother’s periwinkle!
We are approaching the time to change out the winter color. For years, the only option for summer color we had in the desert was the periwinkle (or vinca)-purple and white. The range of colors available has exploded. Peppermint cooler, peach melba, Tahitian apricot, pacifica orange, cobra purple and first kiss blueberry!!! They are as exotic as they sound.
Not a vinca person?
You will find a full color palette at Moller’s. Look for:
bidens pentas coreopsis celosia |
cuphea salvia scabiosa gaillardia |
zinnia african daisies angelonia arctotis |
marigold gaura evolvulous verbena |
Sounds Greek to you? Take a stroll through the bedding plant area to plot your summer garden. Don’t forget that herbs do well all through the summer as well!! Keep on gardening; it is good for the soul!